I just got in a less-than-fender bender at lunch. I just shopped for about two hours and could not find everything I needed. I was angry. It was 1:30 and I hadn't eaten yet, which got me more angry. Kym called me and asked me to make another stop and that added to my anger as I was getting onto a highway on a horrible onramp that's under construction and the guy in front of me slammed on his brakes, and I slammed on mine and I tapped him. He stopped and I looked at him to see what he would do as he continued to talk on his cell phone. He just sat there. 20 seconds, 30 seconds. I wasn't sure if he was waiting for a break in traffic to pull onto the highway, or what. About a minute went by before I decide to get out and go see what was up. He, while talking on his phone, said, "I guess I need your insurance." I said, "There's no damage" He said "Well, you hit me." I said, "Well, you slammed on your brakes for no reason." He said "The guy in front of me did." (unconfirmed). I got my info and he wrote it down. Said he had no idea what to even write down, and I didn't either. He wrote some stuff and asked if I wanted to wait for the police or just go. I told him I wanted to just go, there's nothing more than a little scratch on the bumpers (that aren't worht fixing) and I had to get back to work.
The dumbest thing was, I didn't feel like dealing with it so I just left without writing down any info of his. I called Kym, who got mad at me, so I turned around, got back on the highway and went back. Less than 15 minutes later, he was gone (so he must not have called the police). Hopefully I don't get arrested tonight. Hopefully they wait until after Christmas.
Remind me not to crash my car anymore.