Did you guys see all the nerds waiting in line for a new iPhone? I don't really blame them. It sounds awesome, and nerds generally don't have much better to do with thier time than wait in line for nerdy things. But, you know who shouldn't be in line? People that aren't nerds and mayors. Yes, mayors.
The mayor of Philadelphia is currently sitting in the rain, waiting for an iPhone. There's so much wrong with this that I don't know where to begin. First of all, I'm too lazy to look up his salary, but I'm pretty sure he's making a ton of money to sit on his ass and doing nothing outside right now... as compared to sitting on his ass and doing nothing inside. Second, the dude is a crook who has been bugged by the FBI. Are you telling me he can't pull some strings and get one on the down low? Third, does he not have anything better to do with his time, like oh, I don't know, be a mayor of a city who's murder rate is at an all time high? It's ridiculous. It makes me so angry. And jealous. I want one.