Monday, July 16, 2007

Pretty Cool

I've mentioned them here before, but not in a while. I have a friend who has natural triplets. Him and his wife had a kid then when he was about 3 months old she got pregnant again. First they were told it was one, then they were told it was twins, then they were told it was triplets. They have four kids within a year of each other. They were actually the hospital's first triplets. Well, check this out...

See that baby in the bottom right corner? That's one of them. Starting this week they take over the role of Spike on All My Children.

Pretty fuckin cool, huh?


Anonymous said...

My wife and I are All My Children TiVo recording watchers! I'll have to check out your friend's triplet child playing Zach and Kendal's son Spike! I just hope Greenlee doesn't try to take him away from them!

Yeah, I'm not proud to say it but I've been watching the show off and on since my Mom first got me hooked in the summer of 1982. A mother's pull on her son can be an intense thing.

Anonymous said...

Your degrees from Kevin Bacon just got a whole lot, uh, less.

Anonymous said...

damn. that is too many children. but that's awesome that they're going to be on tv!

Laurie said...

my friends kids were on one of the soaps. bold and the beautiful i think. they were on until they grew to be about three and one of them was much cuter and better behaved. they canned their asses because they wouldn't use the other kid.

at least your friend has 3 to choose from!

Lisa said...

What I want to know is this: did the parents get a bunch of stuff from stangers like a van, lifetime supply of baby diapers, and a three-way stroller? Score.

Tim said...

C - yeah, that was a pretty embarrassing comment on your part there. Way too much AMC knowledge there.

K - I'm down to 6 degrees now probably.

G - yeah, one is tough enough for me.

L - yeah, I wonder if any of the 3 acts like a 1 year old better than the others.

L - big time. We had a whole thing here at work for them. They got tons of stuff... but I'd venture to guess that is all short lived. Nobody raises money when they're all older.

Oh great One said...

That is very cool! That'll help pay for all those diapers!

Scarlet Hip said...

Can he introduce me to Jason from General Hospital?

Anonymous said...

Man, his mom looks like shit after giving birth to three babies. ;)

(That is really cool. I am just joshin' ya)

Mad Ethel said...

At least he put them to good work. They need to be bringin' in some cash for the family, friggin' triplets! Those kids can't be cheap to raise!