Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hey There Delima

It appears as if has been banned from my work. But, oddly, has not. So, I can read my blog, I can read your blog. I can read all the comments, but only when clicking on the link to the actual post. The pop-up comments are blocked because they are based on the url. But, since the blogspot dashboard is, I can't post from work.

So, I can't post, can't comment, but I can read. I guess you could say I have read-only access. So, what do I do? I can switch comments to haloscan since they work. But, I still can't post from work. I could switch to another non-blocked domain, but would I lose my precious 889 previous posts? I'd hate to abandon what I worked so hard to... I can't even finish that sentence. No hard work has ever been put into the posts on this blog (minus the porn). What do I do? More importantly, what are you going to do without my awesome, biweekly comments on your blogs? I was totally going to post like 2 comments today on people's blogs, but now I forget them. Trust me, they were hill-air-e-us.


Anonymous said...

That sucks! ...For you and all your friends. It rocks for me. Now you can read me and leave me biweekly comments - I use wordpress. Divert your attention to ME! Yeah baby. ;)

JQ said...

Those bastards! How dare they make you work?

Melissa said...

Why don't you just download a different browser from what your work uses? James company uses IE and bans almost everything on there but he downloaded Firefox and can still access things through that browser.

Anonymous said...

wordpress lets you import your blog so you don't lose all your archives.
my work blocked blogger for a bit but then they unblocked it.
i ditto kristine- i'm on wp too so c'mon over! :D

Anonymous said...

You only occasionally commented on my blog, so no big deal. ;)

Oh great One said...

Bi-weekly comments on blogs? Who get's bi weekly comments? It's not me. No Tim it's not me. *wink*

Scarlet Hip said...

You can make up for all of this by producing some quality Starburst porn.

Naynayfazz said...

I would just keep your blog and blog when you can. I don't have ANY websites at my new job. So I haven;t blogged or read blogs lately. I guess we'll have to...sob..sob be without your posts until you can find time to blog.

Mad Ethel said...

If you move I'd damn-sure better get a link/head's up. My once a month blogging is making my blogger buddy list a bit thin. I really only keep up with the old schoolers.

You should get a blackberry and blog on that.