My day began when I woke up to go to the bathroon at 4:15am. Afraid my alarm wouldn't go off I drifted in and out of sleep for the next hour or so. Eventually got up and out of the house around 5:50am to meet up with my brother. The race starts in North Philly and finishes in South Philly in the Navy Yard next to the Stadium Complex. Runners park at the stadiums and get a free subway ride to the start. Get there, stand in long lines to pee, stretch, and we're off...
(This photo is doctored. That traffic light was red. Those fuckers didn't stop. Buncha cheaters.)
It was a veeerry windy day and it was freezing (about 50ish with a wind chill in the 40's would be my guess) at the start, but once we started moving the weather was not a factor. The wind was at our backs most of the race. I've run a marathon, and I've done 5K-5 milers, but I've never run a mid distance like this. I was hoping to average around 7:18 miles. The first three miles I felt like I was going easy and went out with a 7:07, 7:10, 7:09. Fearing I was going too fast I backed off and did a few miles around 7:22ish. With three miles to go I felt I was going too slow and finished strong with miles of 7:19, 7:17 and 7:15. My final time was 1:13.15, which averages out to 7:19's. Pretty much exactly what I wanted. Some Kenyan dude ran the fastest 10 miles ever on American soil thank to the wind at our backs. A lot of people ran thhier best times ever and I feel like I could have done better. After I finished I felt like I could have done another 3 miles at the same pace. But, for my first 10 miler, I'm pretty happy. I'm about to sign up for the half marathon in September and probably a full one in October or November.
This is beyond awesome! I wish I had your endurance and dedication. I'm gonna go drink now.
that is awesome. sounds like you have lifted your lazy initiative. wtg timmeh
unless of course all of this is a lie.
They should really consider prohibiting Kenyans from participating in running events. Also, did you poop your pants?
Congrats! I always wonder what my times would be at sea level. Probably as shitty as they are at a mile high. :-)
Great job Tim. I've never run a ten miler, but I but it's a nice distance. I'm glad you hit your target mile times. Kudos to you and best of luck in your other runs.
Awesome. Do you just feel like rubber when your are done? Or Starburst?
Jesus that's amazing. I remember running "the mile" in elementary through high school. I think my best time was around 10 minutes in 8th grade.
Wait no. I think I actually made 1 mile in around 8 minutes my junior year. Neat.
I would like to start running actually but I have tendonitis in both knees so that kind of rules that out....
10 miles, eh? Good for you. Maybe the next time you'll be where you want to be. Practice makes perfect. And practice also makes you have really firm buttocks. Great success! (borat quote)
don't hurt your knees
good job!
at least you didn't puke at the end like i did. ;-)
i'm running my 10k race the end of this month in boulder. i'm so not ready.
Good for you Tim! You SO rock!
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