Monday, October 24, 2005

I’m feeling very uncreative today. I can’t even come up with a name for my unborn child. Titso doesn’t like calling it “it”, so she tasked me with coming up with something to call it. I can’t come up with a damn thing. I hate days like this. The only thing I could think of so far has been IHOP (Italian Honeymoon Odonnell Pregnancy). But, I don’t think naming it after a pancake shop is the best idea I’ve ever had.


min said...

How 'bout "Peanut"? Since right now, that's about the size of the kid, no?

Ritmeyer said...

Timsofetus or teeny tiny. I am creative lit myself today.

Melissa said...

Tiny Tim O'Donnell

Tim said...

min - but what happens in 3 months? That's a huge peanut.

sean - awww, so cute!

rit - I like the train of thought on timsofetus.

mel - but what if it's a girl? then I've been calling my daughter a boys name.

Anonymous said...

Cletus. Cletus the Fetus.