Thursday, April 14, 2005

Long Post Warning!

I had a team meeting this morning. While half of my brain was diligently paying attention to the presentation, the other half of it was wondering what would happen if everyone in the world suddenly dropped dead of Mad Monkey’s Disease, except the people in my conference room. Of the 26 in the room, there were 15 women and 11 men. So, us men would be hooked up with the whole restarting of the universe thing. Then I started thinking about who I would recreate with. Since titso isn’t on my team, she wasn’t in the room. So, I thought about it logically: what qualities would be the best for the world to have? And I chose the obvious one: good hair. (I know some of you are saying “Whoa, whoa, whoa, two posts about hair in one day??” And I say, “Yes, deal with it bitches.”)

So, as I looked around the room to determine who was hair worthy my eyes kept going back to Russian Milf Lady. She’s got very nice shoulder length, mussy brown hair with blond highlights and random red streaks. She’s probably in her late 30’s and she dresses hot and has a pretty hot body. RML’s hair would be the jeans my genes would want to reproduce with.

As my right hand was taking notes on the presentation, my left hand did a free sketch of her hair. I then transferred it to MS Paint, and here’s what it looks like:

I then drew a picture of my own hair:

Then I drew a picture of what our perfect haired babies would look like. Pretty sweet if you ask me:

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