Thursday, April 07, 2005

Mi Amore

I’m getting married in a few months and I’m happy about that. But one thing I’ve always wanted to experience was to have a girl talk dirty to me in foreign language that I don’t understand. I wouldn't be picky at all either. She could speak russian, french, finnish, pig latin, or just have a really deep southern accent for all I care. I can picture myself picking up a Spanish chick and while we were getting busy she’d be yelling “la leche, el jugo de naranja, el pollo, las papas!!” I’d think to myself, “I have no idea what she’s saying but it sound friggen hot!! I kick ass in bed!”
In reality she’d just be trying to remember what she has to get at the grocery store when this nightmare is all over. (She would need milk, orange juice, chicken, potatoes)

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