Monday, November 14, 2005

Tim Donates blood

Well, I tried to give blood this morning. Since I was in Punta Cana this year, I’m not allowed to give. But they give us a free lunch anyway! I used to donate blood on a regular basis up until about two years ago. I finally got over my traumatic experience, but I’ll have to wait until March to give now. My traumatic experience?

I laid down on the table to prepare for the needle.

If at first you don’t find the vein, try, try again!

Finally, the vein was found and the blood was flowing.

And then… lala land.

In truth, I didn’t actually pass out, but I was in so much pain I couldn’t lift my arm for about two weeks and swore off ever giving blood again. Now, I’m finally over that, but the malaria infested Punta Canan mosquitoes won’t allow it.

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