Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Weather report

Yesterday - 66°F

Today -Snow Showers 17° F



Oh great One said...

Hey! At least someone is updating their blog, even if it is just a weather report. I am glad there is someone still willing to entertain me!

Burfica said...

Dude!!!! that is fucked up!!!!!

ThreeOliveMartini said...

seems to be the order of the day many places.. it was 75 here yesterday.. 30 today .. with massive storms and hail last night

Tim said...

I think the world is ending. It's complete white out conditions right now and the snow is going up. Not down, not sideways, the snow is going up towards the sky.

nique said...

66? 75?! Awesome! it was 40 here yesterday and I was happy!!! (sad isn't it?)

The trend is also here in Ohio...a mighty TWENTY degrees is stinging my skin as we speak!

Tim said...

Yes pink kitty, I do hate you.

But in CA, with all that sun you never get to build slushmen (the redneck cousin of snowmen).

nique said...

PK i don't even know why in the hell i clicked on your link. son of a bitch! : (

i am not even going to access the outlook for our ten day forecast, it would probably just read: