A few weeks ago an old work friend of Kym's came over to visit and she brought us a hanging pot plant. Kym hung it out on the front porch. About 3 days later Kenslee and a neighbor were playing out front and this robin just kept bouncing around and flying up to the plant. I looked and saw the bird had built a perfectly formed nest in there already... with several eggs laid.
Kym, unwilling to let the flowers die, continued to water them even with the nest in there. When she would water them the mama bird flipped out. She'd fly back and forth between the trees in our yard to the roof, to the rain gutter, screaming at her the whole time. When the eggs hatched she got even more aggressive. Sometimes calling in backup. There'd be 3 or 4 birds doing the same thing. Becoming more and more brazen with swoops towards the nest as Kym was watering the flowers.
Using her 39th week of pregnancy as an excuse for her fear of the birds she had me water them yesterday. We use a big pitcher of water and I emptied about 90% of it into the pot with the mama bird doing her normal squawking/swooping. As the water drained from the pot I went to empty the last little bit into the pot and as I did so one of the baby birds freaked out, hopped up, and tried to take flight. It jumped, started heading straight for the ground flapped it wings, caught some air, flapped again, and flew right into Kym's car in the driveway. It laded safely and started hopping under her car. In the meantime mama bird got super pissed and called her backup. There were about 6 birds going crazy. 2 birds helping the baby bird and another 4 wreaking havoic. In a panic Kym, Kenslee and I ran in the house for cover.
Feeling extremely bad I went out the back door and walked around the house to survey the situation. When I got out front the baby bird was gone. There was still a little bit of chaos going on around the trees in the yard, but I saw no trace of the baby who tried to fly. I can only assume she was scooped up by a wild puma, or cougar, or bald eagle, or leopard, or lion.
I went back inside and looked out my window at the nest and the other baby bird was now sitting on the edge of the nest. She looked scared and alone and she looked like she was about to try to fly herself. I watched for a few minutes before I got bored. Again, I can only assume she was eaten by a wild Asain or African-based carnivore because this mornign there was nothing but an
Empty Nest.