Tuesday, December 28, 2004

worst day of work ever

Something's wrong with my internet connection. Every page takes about 5 minutes to load. What do they expect me to do all day? Work??!?


Alekx said...

Work...OH the horror of it all
Good Lord what do the bosses expect of you...
Didn't you get up...get showered and drive all the way to the office, now they expect productivity.
Jerks anyway

Tim said...

not only do they expect me to do all that, but they expect me to do all that while they're at home on vacation smoking weed or doing whatever illeagal activities I'm certain bigwigs do on their days off.

nique said...

my pages are taking an obnoxiously long time to load as well! so here i am...click, click, clicking away! aaargh! ; )