Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Nothing exciting

For the past few Mondays, since we got weaseled out of running poker at that one shithole bar, I’ve been going to play poker at a local bar. They have a meatball sandwhich buffet and open bar from 8-12 for $20 and that includes poker. Winner takes home about $100-$150 depending on how many people show up. Last night I got 2nd place, $40, and secured my spot in the “Final tournament” for those that finish with the most points in their point system thingy. That final pot is going to be around $400-$500. Not bad for basically free poker since I’d probably spend more than $20 on beers.

In other news a new guy in my group starts next week. I was somewhat guilted into being his trainer. He’ll basically have to sit with me all day and watch me work. So, I guess I gotta get him all registered in blogger and come up with a blog title for him. I’m thinking “Tim will be fired within a week if I actually see what he does for 8 hours a day.”

PS. I know you're never supposed to blog about work people, but I can't resist it.. the new guy's last name starts with "Tit". HA! yes!

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